Patrick Carter

Patrick Carter


Patrick has a broad range of experience, having worked on projects in multiple sectors. As a qualified architect, his eye for the aesthetic and knowledge of the design process bring crucial insight and perspective to our team.

What is your favourite building and why?

The Lloyd’s building in the City by Richard Rogers. I love the way it showcases the building services on the outside, leaving an uncluttered space inside. Still the most impressive building in the City, despite being dwarfed by the surrounding towers.

What is the current big trend in your sector?

Helping to shift the priorities and attitudes of stakeholders towards a greater focus on the environmental impacts of a project. The goal should be to achieve building performance that goes beyond the current building regulations and planning requirements wherever possible.

What is an interesting fact that nobody knows about you?

I was the second youngest person in the country at the time to be awarded the PADI Open Water scuba diving certificate at the age of 11.

What advice would you give your 20 year old self?

Stay open-minded about your career path and don’t commit to one thing if you are unsure about it. Also, enjoy being a student (it doesn’t last forever), travel as much as you can, and have a good party before the responsibilities kick in.