Equals appointed on ‘Procurement for All’ DPS

August 2017

Equals has recently secured a position on the Procurement for All Development Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for project and cost management and employer’s agent services. The DPS has, with the recent changes to the Public Contract Regulations (2015), become a more considered and used option in public sector procurement – open to all public sector clients and offering savings by simplifying the procurement processes.

The public sector is currently navigating through a chaotic and challenging period (i.e. Grenfell Tower tragedy) and is crying out for ‘new ideas and new people’ to provide solutions, and quickly. The DPS is the perfect opportunity to stimulate the market, and fast track the solutions that are desperately needed.

Procurement for All includes 21 social housing providers, and any public sector body can join and utilise the system to tender for supplier services. The DPS will be refreshed annually, and re-procured every 5 years.

The DPS is free to join, at any time, and offers the same benefits as a framework.